понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

dover park

Snagged from ORU

10 things to 10 different people:
10. Why why why UGH-____________-
09. ...wait what? I love you anyway.
07. Youapos;re pretty.
06. You should wear less revealing clothes. -__________________-
04. I wish youapos;d die in a pool of your own emo blood. -_- too bad youapos;re always smoking crack and you donapos;t read this.
02. ...youapos;re an asshole. Yet I think youapos;re impossibly attractive. Even if you theorically would look like a monkey.
01.� I only really apos;metapos; you today.

9 things about yourself:
09. Selfish bitch
08. Greedy bitch
07. ...and yet I�want to make people happy.-__-
06. My jaw� hurts from faking my smile too much.
05. I want to marry one of Oruapos;s characters and bear his children and be his wife and buy a dog with him.
04. Iapos;m SLOW sometimes, bear with it.
03. I want to be a mother. -_-
02. I want to make dinner for all my friends someday.
01. I need to stop believing that Oru hates me from time to time.

8 ways to win your heart:
08. Itapos;s not hard, just be my friend. ;_;
07. Talk about things you like, share your feelings with me
06. If you love me, youapos;ll know I love being touched. TOUCH�ME�FOR�FUCKapos;S�SAKE. ;_;
05.� Make me cook you dinner.
04. Tell me nice things. (youapos;re so pretty, I love you so much, everytime I�see� you I want to hold you in my arms, Iapos;d give you everything in the world if that made sure that I was with you for ever and ever...)
03. Iapos;ll do anything for you. Be assured that I ask the same in return.
02. ...make stuff with me. Cakes, art collabs, Rp, anything.
01.� ...write me a love letter or poem. Iapos;ll instantly melt.

7 things that cross your mind a lot:
07. ....would Kuma/Ryu/Taka/Yoga do x, y, z? Or would they rather do m or v?
06. I need to draw more Kuma.
05. Shit, I forgot *insert shit here*
04. Damn, bitch, get a fucking bra.
03. I need more money.
02. ...donapos;t tell me I lost *insert VERY�IMPORTANT�SHIT�here*
01. I srsly need to tell x/y/z this.

6 things you do before you go to sleep:
06. Wash mehself
05. Pijama tiem
04. Water tiem
03. Brush my teeth
02. Turn off Msn after a long, LONG�goodbye
01. Set the alarm for the next day.

5 people who mean a lot:
05. Oru, cuz sheapos;s awesome.
04. Vivs, cuz sheapos;s also very awesome.
02. The double Sandra/Sofia, the best teens in the fucking wooorlddd
01. NEKO

4 things youapos;re wearing right now:
04. Black pants
03. Green top
02. Green thing that I put over the top
01. Botins. -_-

3 songs you listen often:
03. 4 Day Weekend - The Bluetones
02. Aerodynamic - Daft Punk
01. Electro World - Perfume

2 things you want to do before you die:
01. Have a ton of fans of my artistic work.

1 confession:
01. I need cock (i always do)


1. Name:
2. Birthday:
3. Where do you live:
4: What are you studying/What are you working as:
5. What makes you happy:
6. What are you listening to now/have listened to last:
7. What is particularly good/bad about my LJ:
8. An interesting fact about you:
9. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment:
10. Favorite place to be:
11. Favorite lyric:
12. Best time of the year:
13. Weirdest food you like:

1. A film:
2. A book:
3. A song:
4: A band:

1. Favorite Fandom:
2. OTP/OT3:
3. Icon/Fic Journal (so I can join):

1. One thing you like about me:
2. Two things you like about yourself:
3. Put this in your LJ so I can tell you what I think of you?

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

e in mail msn sign

im going to school next semester. Im going to school next semester. Woohoo although. It wont let me register for math because of something with prerequisites, however, i met the pre req so im not sure whats up with that.

mmm. Mike left early today. So he could have a full eight hours of sleep so he can be awake at work tomorrow. And then he can come over and fall asleep on me cuz well, its just me.

alright. I dont know if i want to do homework, or just go to sleep.

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empire state building live

�Okay so I know I have to do my weekly round up but I canapos;t right now because I jotted down my thoughts after episodes and I left those notes at home. Iapos;m getting them tomorrow. After this week, I plan on getting back on schedule.�

I thought Iapos;d regal you all with the tales of my weekend, even though itapos;s only Saturday. Okay perhaps not the particulars of each moment, but letapos;s just say it involved Rilo Kiley on shuffle, watching White Oleander, reading way too much PP fan fiction yet craving more, having a fever clocking in at 103.5 and having parents who swear to be adults playing tug of war. My wave of girlness this weekend knew no bounds. Chick music, chick books and chick movies. *hangs head* I canapos;t defend my actions, other than saying my choices of entertainment were spectacular be they full of estrogen or not.

Basically, I missed you guys, but was too sick to tell you all.�

On another note, much happier indeed, I went on an adventure today, all by myself as my friends are all very busy being healthy to this burger place right off campus. And by off campus I mean on, though the establishment legally owns the property. I had the happy fortune of having the most adorable employee in the history of adorable burger joint employees go just a bit out of his way to open the door for me and give me one of those smiles that makes the otherwise uneventful adventure to the local burger joint completely and totally worth it. It was a apos;weapos;re the only ones in on this jokeapos; sort of smile and appreciated the intelligence behind it.

So all in all, terrible weekend, good night, and fantastic excursion.

And this was all to say that I will posting tomorrow my round-up of this weekapos;s television. Promise. Now to go back to my fantastically girly weekend, which I am enjoying more than I should. And there isnapos;t even a tub of hagen das lying around. Youapos;d think I broke up with a boyfriend, lol.

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contempoary artist

So tonight is my last night in chicago (well to be far im north of chicago.. Waukegan) . Training was good. I have learned a lot.. With TONS more to learn.

Sometimes I wished I put the dedication to gain knowledge into my own personal goal and things. �I strive VERY hard to do well at work.. Despite what anyone may think. I love learning and organizing and understanding a process and how it works. I love to fix processes and objects. Make them work again, maybe even make them better. �Its certain times I wish i could apply those things into my own being. � I am a pretty awesome person. I am not perfect. I have flaws and I am not the typical girl. I sometimes think too much like a guy and sometimes I just donapos;t think straight at all. I often try to please so many others before I try to please myself. �My heart is very easily given to others, I am empathetic.��

I am exctied to go home tomorrow. I have missed columbus in a weird way. I miss my roomies. I am sad that Kelly and Jeremy are leaving in under a week.. I really wished they were not going yet. Kelly and I have grown pretty darn close.. Maybe not the best of friends like her and Brit.. But I consider her one of my best friends. Its a good thing for them. I know they have wanted this for a while... I just want to see them as much as I can. �I am taking them out to Dinner tuesday. �Krystalapos;s baby is suppose to be born on Wednesday.. Man.. So many changes this year...

Maybe i shouldnapos;t listen to sappy music�:-P makes me write sappy things.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

diamonds on the inside

The unfortunate thing about freezing ziplock containers (not the bags) is that they crack really easily. As Iapos;m discovering with the soup I brought for lunch.

Iapos;ve been thinking about my episodes with creepy guys and Iapos;m trying to think of any way to resolve things to a point where interacting with either would *not* be weird, awkward or creepy and I canapos;t think of one.
Mostly about work creepy guy. I keep thinking about how I will react to possible interactions. Mostly this guy does the trying to "tease" but really itapos;s the kind of interaction that only ends up making the person teased feel uncomfortable. Especially at work, I kind of feeling like admitting you are feeling uncomfortable is like admitting defeat. Iapos;m more inclined to react to that kind of teasing with a kind of scoffing and a comment to the effect of "youapos;re not that funny". It frustrates me because Iapos;ve taken lots of teasing and shit from other people, but it was different, but I canapos;t verbalize what exactly it is that makes it different.
I dunno. Maybe I just have to be less polite all the time.
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